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Secure Message Information

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Secure Message Information


Secure Message Information

Did you receive an email from GenFed indicating you have a secure message?  This email is a notification that we placed a message within internet or mobile banking. The email subject is ‘GenFed can help with your holiday expenses.’  This message may have been received by current and past GenFed members.

We apologize for the inconvenience of receiving a secure message about an unexpected topic. In the future we plan to use this channel for important account related information only.

The secure messaging center is a great communication channel for GenFed and members! Feel free to ask us a question about any product or service, about your account, or about a loan, and we will let you know about important account related information through this feature as well.

Again, please accept our apologies. We appreciate your patience and understanding and certainly look forward to ‘helping you with your holiday expenses’ and serving you into the new year!

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