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Get $100 when you move your loan to GenFed

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Get $100 when you move your loan to GenFed


Move your loan to GenFed to lower your payment and free up cash each month.  Now, get $100** when you move your loan to GenFed from another lender!*

Because our board is run by volunteers, we don’t have shareholders to pay. So, we can make decisions that are in the best interest of the member. People are worth more than money at GenFed.
Plus, for auto, boat, motorcycle or RV loans get NO PAYMENTS FOR 90 DAYS.

Get your car loan pre-approved at GenFed and we'll give you $50 cash when you come back and close your loan!* 

If you already have a car you love, you can refinance the loan to lower the payment. Put payments off for a few months if you need to put that money towards something else. Whatever your situation, we can help you figure out what is best for you.

Applying is easy or call your local branch. We now have the possibility of doing your entire loan electronically, including eSignatures, so you don't have to visit a branch.

Plus, our services are for our members only, not everyone else in the country. We know you. We work hard to help you handle your financial affairs. And remember, because GenFed is a not-for-profit cooperative, people are worth more than money here.

To take advantage of GenFed’s amazing loan options, just give us a call at your local branch or call or text our Loan Advisor line at 330.849.3013. 

Refer a friend, family member or coworker and you'll both get a free gift when they open a checking account.

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All loans subject to approval, credit analysis and terms. Refinance of existing GenFed loans subject to applicable fees and conditions. Contact your local branch to determine your rate and discounts. Vehicle loan terms may be limited, based on age of vehicle. GenFed does not guarantee to be able to beat dealer/ manufacturer offer. Interest will continue to accrue over the 90 days.  *Members eligible for one incentive, not both listed in this offer and offers subject to change at any time without advance notice.  **Minimum loan amount is $10,000 , offer not available on GenFed loan refinances, and is available on the first loan moved to GenFed only.  GenFed staff:  use  g/l to pay the incentive


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